
185 – 260 Bowrider, 190 Sundeck & other Sport Boats - "Peanut"



I only have one touchpad on my boat not 2, will your system work?

Yes, our switch panels have real switches. In order to fit all of the functions, we placed switches on the ignition panel as well.

Can I just replace the switchpad and not the electronic module under my dash?

Your original EIM system consists of two parts. The EIM module and the touchpad. Either of the components or both can fail. Our system is a complete replacement and solves the electronic issues permanently.

Do I need a technician to install this system?

Our system is very close to “plug and play” the most difficult part is cutting slightly larger holes in the dash. Total install time should be 2 hours.

My 185 bowrider does not have an ignition switch panel, will this system work?

Yes, we manufacture a special variation for the 185 that deletes the ignition switch hole from the left hand panel.

My 190 Sundeck Outboard has a water pump, will this system work?

Yes, we have a system specifically designed for the 190sdOB, simply note. that model when ordering.

Can I choose a color other than Cherry Burl?

Yes, there are a variety of color available. Please keep in mind the text must be white for the backlighting to be effective. So a white panel with white text would have no daytime contrast.